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Environment Variables

The server can be configured via the following environment variables.


  • Environment variables are equivalent to their command-line arguments.
  • Command-line arguments take precedence over their equivalent environment variables.


The address of the host (e.g. Default [::].


The port of the host. Default 80.


Optional file descriptor number (e.g. 0) to inherit an already-opened TCP listener (instead of using SERVER_HOST and/or SERVER_PORT). Default empty (disabled).


Relative or absolute root directory path of static files. Default ./public.


The Server configuration file path is in TOML format. See The TOML Configuration File.


Defines a grace period in seconds after a SIGTERM signal is caught which will delay the server before shutting it down gracefully. The maximum value is 255 seconds. The default value is 0 (no delay).


Specify a logging level in lowercase. Possible values are error, warn, info, debug or trace. Default error.


Log incoming request information along with its Remote Address (IP) if available using the info log level. Default false.


Log the X-Real-IP header if available using the info log level. Default false.


Log the X-Forwarded-For header if available using the info log level. Default false.


A comma separated list of IP addresses to accept the X-Forwarded-For header from. An empty string means trust all IPs. Default ""


HTML file path for 404 errors. If the path is not specified or simply doesn't exist then the server will use a generic HTML error message. If a relative path is used then it will be resolved under the root directory. Default ./404.html.


HTML file path for 50x errors. If the path is not specified or simply doesn't exist then the server will use a generic HTML error message. If a relative path is used then it will be resolved under the root directory. Default ./50x.html


A HTML file path (not relative to the root) used for GET requests when the requested path doesn't exist. The fallback page is served with a 200 status code, useful when using client routers. If the path doesn't exist then the feature is not activated.


The number of worker threads multiplier will be multiplied by the number of system CPUs using the formula: worker threads = number of CPUs * n where n is the value that changes here. When the multiplier value is 0 or 1 then the number of CPUs is used. The number of worker threads result should be a number between 1 and 32,768 though it is advised to keep this value on the smaller side. Default one thread per core.


Maximum number of blocking threads.


Enable HTTP/2 with TLS support. Make sure also to adjust the current server port. Default false (disabled).


Specify the file path to read the certificate. Default empty (disabled).


Specify the file path to read the private key. Default empty (disabled).


Redirect all requests with scheme "http" to "https" for the current server instance. It depends on "http2" to be enabled.


Canonical hostname or IP of the HTTPS (HTTPS/2) server. It depends on "https-redirect" to be enabled. Default localhost.


HTTP host port where the redirect server will listen for requests to redirect them to HTTPS. It depends on "https-redirect" to be enabled. Default 80.


List of host names or IPs allowed to redirect from. HTTP requests must contain the HTTP 'Host' header and match against this list. It depends on "https-redirect" to be enabled. Default localhost.


Specify an optional CORS list of allowed origin hosts separated by commas. Host ports or protocols aren't being checked. Use an asterisk (*) to allow any host. Default empty (disabled).


Specify an optional CORS list of allowed HTTP headers separated by commas. It requires SERVER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS to be used along with. Default origin, content-type.


Specify an optional CORS list of exposed HTTP headers separated by commas. It requires SERVER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS to be used along with. Default origin, content-type.


Gzip, Deflate, Brotli or zlib compression on demand determined by the Accept-Encoding header and applied to text-based web file types only. See ad-hoc mime-type list. Default true (enabled).


Supported values are fastest (fast compression but larger resulting files), best (smallest file size but potentially slow) and default (algorithm-specific balanced compression level). Default is default.


Look up the pre-compressed file variant (.gz, .br or .zst) on the disk of a requested file and serve it directly if available. Default false (disabled). The compression type is determined by the Accept-Encoding header.


Enable directory listing for all requests ending with the slash character (‘/’). Default false (disabled).


Specify a default code number to order directory listing entries per Name, Last modified or Size attributes (columns). Code numbers supported: 0 (Name asc), 1 (Name desc), 2 (Last modified asc), 3 (Last modified desc), 4 (Size asc), 5 (Size desc). Default 6 (unordered).


Specify a content format for the directory listing entries. Formats supported: html or json. Default html.


Enable security headers by default when the HTTP/2 feature is activated. Headers included: Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload (2 years max-age), X-Frame-Options: DENY and Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'. Default false (disabled).


Enable cache control headers for incoming requests based on a set of file types. The file type list can be found in src/ file. Default true (enabled).


It provides The "Basic" HTTP Authentication Scheme using credentials as user-id:password pairs, encoded using Base64. Password must be encoded using the BCrypt password-hashing function. Default empty (disabled).


Check for a trailing slash in the requested directory URI and redirect permanent (308) to the same path with a trailing slash suffix if it is missing. Default true (enabled).


Ignore hidden files/directories (dotfiles), preventing them from being served and being included in auto HTML index pages (directory listing).

Prevent following files or directories if any path name component is a symbolic link.


Activate the health endpoint.


List of files that will be used as an index for requests ending with the slash character (‘/’). Files are checked in the specified order. Default index.html.


Enable the server's maintenance mode functionality.


Provide a custom HTTP status code when entering into maintenance mode. Default 503.


Provide a custom maintenance mode HTML file. If not provided then a generic message will be displayed.


The following options and commands are Windows platform-specific.


Run the web server in a Windows Service context. See more details.