TOML Configuration File¶
can be configured using a TOML file to adjust the general server features as well as other advanced ones.
It's disabled by default and can be enabled by passing a string file path via the -w, --config-file
option or its equivalent SERVER_CONFIG_FILE env.
The default config file path is checked at startup time
If using the default config file path (./config.toml
), SWS will attempt to load it at startup time. If it is not found or can not be loaded then SWS will continue using the server defaults.
TOML File (Manifest)¶
Below is just an example showing all features with their default values.
#### Address & Root dir
host = "::"
port = 80
root = "./public"
#### Logging
log-level = "error"
#### Cache Control headers
cache-control-headers = true
#### Auto Compression
compression = true
compression-level = "default"
#### Error pages
# Note: If a relative path is used then it will be resolved under the root directory.
page404 = "./404.html"
page50x = "./50x.html"
#### HTTP/2 + TLS
http2 = false
http2-tls-cert = ""
http2-tls-key = ""
https-redirect = false
https-redirect-host = "localhost"
https-redirect-from-port = 80
https-redirect-from-hosts = "localhost"
#### CORS & Security headers
# security-headers = true
# cors-allow-origins = ""
#### Directory listing
directory-listing = false
#### Directory listing sorting code
directory-listing-order = 1
#### Directory listing content format
directory-listing-format = "html"
#### Basic Authentication
# basic-auth = ""
#### File descriptor binding
# fd = ""
#### Worker threads
threads-multiplier = 1
#### Grace period after a graceful shutdown
grace-period = 0
#### Page fallback for 404s
# page-fallback = ""
#### Log request Remote Address if available
log-remote-address = false
#### Log real IP from X-Forwarded-For header if available
log-forwarded-for = false
#### IPs to accept the X-Forwarded-For header from. Empty means all
trusted-proxies = []
#### Redirect to trailing slash in the requested directory uri
redirect-trailing-slash = true
#### Check for existing pre-compressed files
compression-static = true
#### Health-check endpoint (GET or HEAD `/health`)
health = false
#### List of index files
# index-files = "index.html, index.htm"
#### Maintenance Mode
maintenance-mode = false
# maintenance-mode-status = 503
# maintenance-mode-file = "./maintenance.html"
### Windows Only
#### Run the web server as a Windows Service
# windows-service = false
#### HTTP Headers customization (examples only)
#### a. Oneline version
# [[advanced.headers]]
# source = "**/*.{js,css}"
# headers = { Access-Control-Allow-Origin = "*" }
#### b. Multiline version
# [[advanced.headers]]
# source = "/index.html"
# [advanced.headers.headers]
# Cache-Control = "public, max-age=36000"
# Content-Security-Policy = "frame-ancestors 'self'"
# Strict-Transport-Security = "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload"
#### c. Multiline version with explicit key (dotted)
# [[advanced.headers]]
# source = "**/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,ico,gif}"
# headers.Strict-Transport-Security = "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload"
### URL Redirects (examples only)
# [[advanced.redirects]]
# source = "**/*.{jpg,jpeg}"
# destination = "/images/generic1.png"
# kind = 301
# [[advanced.redirects]]
# source = "/index.html"
# destination = ""
# kind = 302
### URL Rewrites (examples only)
# [[advanced.rewrites]]
# source = "**/*.{png,ico,gif}"
# destination = "/assets/favicon.ico"
## Optional redirection
# redirect = 301
# [[advanced.rewrites]]
# source = "**/*.{jpg,jpeg}"
# destination = "/images/sws.png"
### Virtual Hosting
# [[advanced.virtual-hosts]]
## But if the "Host" header matches this...
# host = ""
## ...then files will be served from here instead
# root = "/var/sales/html"
# [[advanced.virtual-hosts]]
# host = ""
# root = "/var/blog/html"
General options¶
The TOML [general]
section allows adjusting the current options available via the CLI/ENV ones.
So they are equivalent to each other except for the -w, --config-file
option which is omitted and can not be used for obvious reasons.
Config file-based features are optional
All server feature options via the configuration file are optional and can be omitted as needed.
Advanced options¶
The TOML [advanced]
section is intended for more complex features.
For example Custom HTTP Headers, Custom URL Redirects, URL Rewrites, or Virtual Hosting
Whatever config file-based feature option will take precedence over its CLI or ENV equivalent.
The following command runs the server using a specific config.toml
static-web-server -w config.toml